Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ABRSM Seminar on Grades 1 – 5 AURAL TEST

Joe ( Sonatina Music Studio ) and Mr.Bill Thompson

On Thursday, 5 June 2008, We, the Sonatina Music Studio team attend the Aural Test Seminar on Grades 1 to 5. Held by ABRSM ( Associated Board of the Royal School of Music ) London at Meranti Room – Novotel Hotel Batam. The Speaker is Mr. Bill Thompson, ABRSM SE Asia Regional Coordinator. The Seminar started at 14.00 until 17.30.

According to Mr. Bill, studying music is like learning a language. There are four abilities to master when we studied language which is Speaking, Hearing, Reading and Writing. Same with music we learn all that abilities to improve our skill to play the music.

Unfortunately, sometime music teacher just take attention to the playing skill without paying any attention to listening. In western style of teaching music, they do reading more that some time forget to do listening. This is very different with Mr. Bill said that practicing music is to develop the listening skill too. About 80 % music player around the world learn to play music by listening and they can be a good music player too. It have to be equal between reading and listening music.

Teacher should make the children listen. Listen which one going nicer comparing two or three different way to playing music.

In ABRSM Aural Test there are 4 tests for grade 1 – 3 which are :
1. The Rhythm
The examiner will test the candidate to clap in time
The tips from Mr. Bill is listen to the “strong” beat so the candidate can tell that is in 2/3 or ¾ or even 4/4

2. Sing The Echo
The candidate should sing the echo that the examiner play. The marks are from the pitch and the rhythm.
Tips from Mr. Bill is
Teacher should give the student the skill and confident to do this early when the course start. Don’t wait to practice this until the day close to the exam day. The student should be trained to sing low, high, long and short. The student practice to sing from one, two or three note.

3. Comparing ( Listen to the Change )
For Grade 1 : Listen to the change of the rhythm
For Grade II and III : Listen to the change rhythm and melody

4. Listen to the short piece
a. Examiner will ask about dynamic meaning he/she wants to hear the candidate find out about Loud ( Forte ) and Soft ( Piano )
b. Examiner will ask about articulation meaning he/she wants to hear the candidate find out about Legato and Stacatto
c. Examiner will ask about speed meaning he/she wants to hear the candidate find out about Faster ( Accelerando ) and Slower ( Rallentando )

For Grade 4 -5
1. The Rhythm
The candidate should sing or play the melody that the examiner play
Tips from Mr. Bill is
Teacher should know the student ability. Give the student chance to chose between sing or play the melody. But the teacher should teach the student which way comfortable to them

2. Sing The Echo

3. Mood of the music
Candidate should know about the style of Barok Period, Romantic Period and Classic Period.

1 comment:

Par Bintan said...

Congrats Joe...

All the best to you and your studio...

Sitohang Par Bintan